I didn't always love reading. In fact, there was a span of about 15 years where I didn't even pick up a book. Then in 2008 I read the Twilight series to see what the fuss was about. I LOVED every single word. Unfortunately, after that I just didn't know what else to read so another year passed before I read another book.
In 2010 I purchased a Kindle and found a treasure trove of Indie published books. Now I am literally BURIED IN BOOKS and spend lots of my free time cuddled up with my Kindle and a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. My favorite types of books are YA, New Adult, Paranormal, and some erotica but I will usually try almost anything.
When my nose is not in my Kindle, I work full time in Marketing, am a MWAC (mom with a camera) photography hobbyist, a wife, and also spend lots of time cheering on my 3 boys in their baseball, basketball or football games.
TressaComing soon.... |
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